Asset | Marketing wants to help you to be prepared for the exams. For this reason guidelines are available for you at Asset | Marketing.
After you order your guidelines, you can pick up the printed guidelines at room E102 (€ 3, - for members of Asset, and € 7, - for non-members).
For the upcoming unit, we are still searching for students that want to write brand new guidelines or update existing ones for the following courses:
- Pricing and Revenue Analytics *
- Conjoint Analytics *
- Customer Analytics *
- Digital Media *
- Marketing Communications
- Strategic Marketing Management
- Market Assessment
- Experimental Research *
- Pricing and Monetization Strategies
- Brand Management *
- Brand Management Papers *
- Marketing Channel Management *
- Introduction to Research Marketing
- Consument & Marketing * Bsc
- Marketing en Bedrijf * Bsc
* = work in progress
Are you interested in writing a guideline for Asset | Marketing yourself next semester and earn some extra money? Please send a message to