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Meesters in Marketing


Meesters in Marketing (MiM) is the Marketing alumni association of Tilburg University and Asset | Marketing. The association holds over 400 members, of which most members were Active Members at study association Asset | Marketing during their study time. The goal of the MiM is to bring alumni in contact with each other and to keep them in touch with study association Asset | Marketing. This is managed by organizing relevant activities especially for alumni throughout the year.

To improve the contact with alumni, Asset | Marketing has the MiM-committee. This committee organizes several great activities during the year. Here, alumni get to know each other better while enjoying both formal and informal activities.


A membership for the Meesters in Marketing is € 20 per year (First year of membership is free!). Being a member has a lot of advantages. Want to know more about the membership? Check the benefits below!

  • Possibility to join Meesters in Marketing events
  • Possibility to join the yearly MiM New Year Drink
  • Possibility to join several Workshops and other Asset | Marketing events
  • 10% discount on short programs on TiasNimbas Business School
  • Discount on courses in the language center
  • Receive the Tilburg University alumni magazine UNTIl two times a year
  • Access to the Meesters in Marketing LinkedIn group.   
  • Access to the Meesters in Marketing Facebook group.

Click on the link below become a member!

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